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2024 Survey

2024 Survey

Thank you in advance for your valuable input. The survey will be open from 06/05/2024 to 31/08/2024.

Do the Survey now!

Wellness 4 Wholeness

Wellness 4 Wholeness

Wellness Warriors: Your Battles, Your Wins, Our Mission.

Read the Blog

In My Rose Garden

In My Rose Garden

In My Rose Garden is an uplifting blog to inspire people living with life-changing medical diagnoses and procedures.

Read the Blog

Kailo Oils

Kailo Oils

At the heart of our mission lies a profound respect for the natural therapeutic powers of soothing oils, herbs, and spices.

Read the Blog

Hallo Nadia

Hallo Nadia

Die pragtige naam Nadia beteken ‘hoop’. Die weeklikse webjoernaal is vir die mens wat nooit as te nimmer as 'n slagoffer beskryf wil word nie

Lees die webjoernaal

Watch for the Free Gift from Aquilla Training for our new 2024 First Time Training Visitors Account Registrations.

Coming Soon

At the forefront of Professionalism

Coming Soon

Empowering you in the digital era

Coming Soon

Coaching and Mentoring in a nutshell.

Coming Soon

Victim support & people with health challenges

Coming Soon

Navigating Passion and Governance

Coming Soon

Post-COVID Recovery and Revival

Coming Soon

Post-COVID Risk Management

Coming Soon

The Competitive Edge of Compliance

Coming Soon

How to register


Register for an account. Log-in to purchase workshops. Whatch the videos for help. Do not use aquilla for username.

Register Account


Your certificate will be issued on the date that you finish the feedback to complete the workshop.


Aquilla Training was launched five years ago. The timing of launching the online workshops was simply perfect because this step positioned us correctly to face the challenges that came with the COVID-19 pandemic. This meant that we could offer free training and support for people to deal with the pain, heartache and problems of the pandemic. The special part of the complimentary training was to encourage and assist people in 54 daily sessions in English and Afrikaans 

Recovering from the COVID pandemic brought us new insight into ministering to people, the impact of new workplace challenges and the depth of grieving as well as the dimensions of intense mourning. This was a time that we prayed and cried together because we were also affected by the passing away of loved ones.

In this recovery period, we observed the great need for genuine, heartfelt ministry to God’s people. In adverse times the enigma of human nature comes to light in the sense that some people care more, and others condemn others easier than ever before.

Where does seeing the needs lead Aquilla Training in 2024?

  • Aquilla Training is in the process of re-evaluating all our workshops to ensure that the self-growth and professional growth of participants are met.
  • Anyone can participate in the workshops. If you have a need and you see a topic that interests you, join us. There are no professional affiliation prerequisites or other exclusions.
  • The topics of the new menu of workshops are in line with the needs expressed by current patrons and the assessment of our professional advisors. Look out for the new multi-dimensional workshops on loneliness, bibliotherapy and supervision.
  • You don’t need to wait for months for single workshop dates. Our self-paced system allows you to choose your workshop, and as soon as the payment process is complete you can start straight away.
  • No waiting time for certificates after workshops. After completing the last assessment task, you can download your verifiable certificatewithout delay.
  • There are guidelines for members of the wide variety of professional bodies who participate in Aquilla Training’s workshops to utilize the specific workshop programme, certificate and assessment questions to apply self-study CPD points. Members are encouraged to do their due diligence as far as the policies of the professional bodies are concerned.
  • The good news is that members of voluntary associations, clubs and societies can join the workshops without concern about CPD points because they are free from these requirements from SAQA.
  • Lastly, the past five years showed us that listening to participants is key to training and ministry success. Should you have a specific training need, especially for personal growth, please let us know.There is a chance that your need is shared by others, and we can find ways to address the specific needs.

The whole team of Aquilla Training is committed to enhancing your personal growth and professional development.



The team at Aquilla Training wish all our partners, clients and friends God’s blessing for 2024. We believe that this year will be a year of more breakthroughs, growth and thriving than ever before.

At the end of 2023, we sent a Personal and Professional Reflection Survey to confirm the needs of participants. We also promised to include your professional perspectives, needs, and requirements in our plans and structures.

Since 2017/8 training participants have come from all professional fields. This includes educators, teachers, counsellors, social workers, HR practitioners, business owners, managers, pastors, coaches, community workers, nursing personnel, students at tertiary institutions and police officers. Our participants are typically caring people who are passionate about helping others to heal and grow, while they take care of their own wellbeing. In their practices and ministries, they want quick, effective and lasting results. Most of our clients are eager to learn new skills and ask questions about life, God and themselves, as well as real-life happenings.

Challenges in preparation

The challenges we had to deal with in preparation for this year were mainly load shedding which adversely influenced our video interaction with you on social media. Although this caused much frustration we are strategically overcoming these particular problems.

The second challenge was intermittent internet connectivity, also a result of load shedding that delayed the upgrading of the backend working and security features of our site. However, this is an ongoing matter that every online institution must deal with to offer excellent service and optimal safety on websites.

What remains the same?

  1. Aquilla Training will continue to offer online and face-to-face training. In the early stages of the year, the emphasis will remain on online training to make personal well-being and professional development as accessible as possible.
  2. In light of current economic and social affairs, we decided to keep the price R 400 per workshop.
  3. The time to complete a workshop will vary from 3 to 5 hours.
  4. Participants will receive a verifiable certificate as well as a workshop overview after completing the final feedback question. This certificate is downloadable and a unique QR allows employers and professional bodies to verify the validity of thereof online.
  5. Our partner organization, Inter Trauma Nexus, keeps on sharing a daily inspirational message with you via Friends of Inter Trauma Nexus (English) and Vriende van Inter Trauma Nexus(Afrikaans). This is email-based and free of charge. You have to subscribe to receive the inspirational message. Inter Trauma Nexus are our faithful prayer partners and will pray with you when you send your prayer request. (All prayer requests are treated will care and confidentiality.)
  6. The purpose of Aquilla Training is to empower and equip you to deal with life. Participants are not required to belong to any specific association or professional body. If the topic speaks to your heart – join us!

What is new?

  1. Participants will be able to request CPD and CPTD points from their respective professional bodies under the provision of self-study and self-development. Aquilla Training provides you with a verifiable certificate, workshop overview or agenda and we assist you in writing the motivation of how the specific workshop contributes to your particular profession and how your attendance benefits you in your job. Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions section for the links to your professional body’s published policy on the abovementioned CPD system.
  2. The Recommended Reading section of courses will be expanded to include more resources.
  3. Courses covering sensitive topics will include a 30-minute voluntary online session with the course facilitator, without additional charges.
  4. The 2024 online courses will be presented under new categories together with other services such as the Personal Counselling Series and Bi-weekly Online Therapeutic Support Groups. These services are subsidized, fee-based programmes. Since it is a significant personal commitment to embark on a counselling/coaching journey there is an anonymous Self-assessment Quiz that interested participants can complete before signing up for one of the series.

We include the links for the links for the Personal Counselling Series:

Three ‘6 sessions in 6 weeks’ Personal Counselling Series by Dr Barbara Louw

Drie ‘6 sessies in 6 weke’ Persoonlike Beradingsreekse by Dr Barbara Louw

The six series are each unique. This means that the English and Afrikaans series each have different content and unique focuses that are also informed by the participant's specific needs and desired outcomes.

More news about the Bi-weekly Online Therapeutic Support Groups will be shared in the next Nexus News.



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